See what local families say they need for their children across the State
Family Stories
Birth to Five Illinois has created this welcoming space for parents and caregivers to share their family story of ECEC challenges and successes. It is our hope that as families share their stories, we will amplify the disparities in the system so we can work collectively and strategically to mend what is broken, while also celebrating what’s working.
If you have a story to share, please visit our submission page.

First Experiences as New Parents in a New Environment - By Grace Keller, Levi Alexander, and Walker Alexander
Finding the Birth to Five Illinois Family Council has been the greatest success in helping me start my journey as a mother and to find quality care for our son.

Providers Need Love Too! - By Jasmine Castro
My greatest success has been the EXCEPTIONAL experiences my toddler has had with his provider.

Lack of Reliable Child Care - By Kelley
Six years later, I still have not returned to the workforce because of issues with child care.

With Open Arms - By Birth to Five Illinois: Region 4 Staff
Lisa’s energy for providing quality child care and good jobs within her community is inspiring.

Shelli Badger, Someone You Should Know! - By David
I have been fortunate enough to work closely with an exceptional Speech and Language provider in our school district, #129.

The Love That Sparked My Passion - By Brittany Lemons
I still see her smiling face in pictures and wonder about all the many lives she's touched with her kindness.

The Advocacy Fight for Children with Challenges - By Jacqueline S.
It's exhausting trying to make ends meet when we're essentially being penalized for having a child with special needs.

Long-Distance Child Care - By Cheyenne Camden
My greatest challenge is child care. It prohibits me from working full time.

Single Stay-At-Home-Mother of 4 - By Kaitlin Heinz
My family definitely needs trustworthy and high-quality child care that is affordable! There is virtually NO OPTION in my town!

The Balancing Act of Child Care and Work, With No Options - By Anonymous
I need access to child care in our area, quality child care that is open actual working hours and has the ability to take school-age children, even if they have days off from school.

Early Intervention is Key! - By Ashley Scott
All I have is positivity for what these programs can do to help our children.

Just When I Think My Work as Grandma is Slowing Down, They Start to Call Me Great - By Sandy Hyde
Our area needs more support for grandparents raising grandchildren. We also need more activities for children of all ages to do.

Searching for Early Childhood Education and Services is Nonstop - By Ashley Omlor
When we moved here seven years ago, I never thought it would be a challenge to find preschools, child cares, and family services.

Educated and Willing to Work! - By Katelyn Wilfong
It was nearly impossible with being a stay-at-home mom and not having child care. Now that I have a degree, I cannot use it.

Foster Care Equality - By C.
To begrudge a child a place in child care based off being in the foster care system is preposterous!

Our Early Intervention - By Alexis Leathers
They went above and beyond to make sure we were able to connect to community programs that would help our family financially.

More Availability for Centers - By Ashley Renth
It becomes very difficult for families to provide a double income home or even an income in general with little to no resources or a daycare for their children.

Lack of Specialized Support for All Ages Makes Life Hard - By Frustrated Mom of Nonverbal Child with Autism and Epilepsy
Specialists are either not available in our area or we find one but then the whole branch is eliminated since we are not Chicago…

No Options - By Mary Beth Hart
We are allowing our area to stay in poverty by not offering options to everyone.

Child Care - By Anonymous
If working at a child care center offered a livable wage, then retention would be higher and families and children would benefit immensely.