See what local families say they need for their children across the State
Family Stories
Birth to Five Illinois has created this welcoming space for parents and caregivers to share their family story of ECEC challenges and successes. It is our hope that as families share their stories, we will amplify the disparities in the system so we can work collectively and strategically to mend what is broken, while also celebrating what’s working.
If you have a story to share, please visit our submission page.

Creating Our Own Support System - By Anonymous
It has been heart breaking to be questioned by professionals, told what they can offer is not what we want or that we have the “best” provider they can offer despite it not aligning with our values for care.

It Takes An Army – By Tateana
I've tried to put my daughter in daycare, but they all had a waiting list.

Region 50: What Families Say They Need
"Finding a program that had an opening was hard but once they found out that my child had a special need, they would start explaining all the reasons why they wouldn't be the best fit…"

Region 35: What Families Say They Need
"We are a two-income household, working in education, and it is still a struggle. There are not a lot of options for child care centers and most home child care providers are filled."

Region 17: What Families Say They Need
"Transportation is a big issue. A lot of programs in districts are half day and parents work full-time. What do parents do?"

Region 16: What Families Say They Need
"It's so hard to find good care for an affordable price that covers actual working hours for the average person… not just 9:00am – 5:00pm, but all shifts."

Region 12: What Families Say They Need
"…we simply need more local, quality, and affordable access to everything every day — child care, medical resources, community programs, and so much more."

Is It Any Wonder? - By Anonymous
…when someone asks me “how did you do it?” I do not have an answer.

What We Need - Danielle Jackson
It is cheaper for me to drive 1,100 miles a month to take my kids to my family to watch them…

17 Years Searching for Quality Child Care, and Still More to Go! - By Anonymous
We have also had instances where one child was at a home-based child care center in one part of the county, and another one was at a different home-based child care center simply because there weren't openings for both of them in the same place or any others.

Finding Day Care - By Erica Hanke-Young
I feel like the thing we need most is information on child care early enough for us to make a plan. I will need information and enough time to figure out what to do for our family.

First Experiences as New Parents in a New Environment - By Grace Keller, Levi Alexander, and Walker Alexander
Finding the Birth to Five Illinois Family Council has been the greatest success in helping me start my journey as a mother and to find quality care for our son.

Lack of Reliable Child Care - By Kelley
Six years later, I still have not returned to the workforce because of issues with child care.

The Balancing Act of Child Care and Work, With No Options - By Anonymous
I need access to child care in our area, quality child care that is open actual working hours and has the ability to take school-age children, even if they have days off from school.

Foster Care Equality - By C.
To begrudge a child a place in child care based off being in the foster care system is preposterous!

More Availability for Centers - By Ashley Renth
It becomes very difficult for families to provide a double income home or even an income in general with little to no resources or a daycare for their children.

No Options - By Mary Beth Hart
We are allowing our area to stay in poverty by not offering options to everyone.

Child Care - By Anonymous
If working at a child care center offered a livable wage, then retention would be higher and families and children would benefit immensely.

Special Needs for Special Kids - By Molly Krebel
Parents should not feel excluded for having children with special needs.

Extended Preschool Hours - By Working Mom
We need more opportunities for extended preschool hours for working parents.