See what local families say they need for their children across the State

Family Stories

Birth to Five Illinois is on a mission to shift the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) landscape across Illinois by centering the voices and experiences of families. Where there are families, there are stories: stories of bureaucracy and systemic shortcomings, and stories of families and children thriving in the face of compassionate providers and exemplary services. We are here for it all!

Birth to Five Illinois has created this welcoming space for parents and caregivers to share their family story of ECEC challenges and successes. It is our hope that as families share their stories, we will amplify the disparities in the system so we can work collectively and strategically to mend what is broken, while also celebrating what’s working.

If you have a story to share, please visit our submission page.

Region 50: What Families Say They Need 

Region 50: What Families Say They Need 

"Finding a program that had an opening was hard but once they found out that my child had a special need, they would start explaining all the reasons why they wouldn't be the best fit…"

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Region 16: What Families Say They Need

Region 16: What Families Say They Need

"It's so hard to find good care for an affordable price that covers actual working hours for the average person… not just 9:00am – 5:00pm, but all shifts."

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Region 12: What Families Say They Need 
17 Years Searching for Quality Child Care, and Still More to Go! - By Anonymous

17 Years Searching for Quality Child Care, and Still More to Go! - By Anonymous

We have also had instances where one child was at a home-based child care center in one part of the county, and another one was at a different home-based child care center simply because there weren't openings for both of them in the same place or any others.

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