More Availability for Centers - By Ashley Renth

It becomes very difficult for families to provide a double income home or even an income in general with little to no resources or a daycare for their children. My son is 7, almost 8. There is only one center in town that takes children of this age, and they are overpopulated for a proper teacher/child ratio. My children attended a daycare that did not have staff or proper training, poor management, no communication, unwelcoming atmosphere, and the children ran the center. This caused several injuries for my children and many others. We need better qualified staff and centers.

Child care is definitely the most needed service in our area. I am unable to find a job in Jefferson County that is understanding of the hours I have to work due to no child care availability. I know several counties with countless options that are smaller than Mt. Vernon.

A graphic of two adults and three children huddled together smiling. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is in the foreground. A quote from the story is at the bottom of the graphic.

Our Early Intervention - By Alexis Leathers


Lack of Specialized Support for All Ages Makes Life Hard - By Frustrated Mom of Nonverbal Child with Autism and Epilepsy