My greatest challenge is a little different than most - child care for foster children. That’s right, I’m a foster mom. Child care isn’t something someone would think was such a struggle to find, but in the foster care world it is. Providers have the right to deny foster children based on the price the state pays for coverage, along with the inevitable late payments. To begrudge a child a place in child care based off being in the foster care system is preposterous!  

The school system has simply been a wonderful gift. I think Crawford County has a tremendous school system. Pre-K starts at the age of 3 and the knowledge small humans obtain from just 2 hours inside the 4 walls of a school is incredible. Hats off to the schools!  

Being a foster parent, I had zero preparation for becoming a parent. I think some parenting classes would be beneficial in such circumstances. A lot of programs are offered but they are strictly 0-3. So, when our child tested out of 0-3 at the age of 2, he did not qualify for other therapies since he had “tested out.” After the child is 3, the only resources they can have is what is provided at school. From ages 3-5, children run out of resources. Schools can only provide so much, and some children don’t even attend school at that age. So, an extension for age ranges in programs would be the most beneficial.

A graphic of two adults and two children smiling. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is in the background. A quote from the story is at the bottom of the graphic.

Educated and Willing to Work! - By Katelyn Wilfong


Our Early Intervention - By Alexis Leathers