

Family & Community Engagement Specialist - Region 11 (Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie & Shelby Counties)

The Family and Community Engagement Specialist for Region 11 will play a vital role in establishing and nurturing the foundation of support for the Early Childhood Regional and Community System within Rock Island County. Key to success is a candidate who brings experience working in the community as a conduit for family voice with a belief in the value of the collective impact model. Responsibilities include: working to ensure parent/family input is at the center of all decisions; driving alignment with other partners in the Region; facilitating consistent feedback mechanisms between families, the community, and the entire Birth to Five Illinois network; and coordinating and facilitating focus groups, interviews, and large group meetings. The Family and Community Engagement Specialist for Region 11 will report to the Region 11 Council Manager, must live or have experience in the boundaries of the Region (Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie & Shelby Counties), and must be productive in a hybrid work environment.