Meet the Recipients / Conozca a los Beneficiarios 


Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients

Scroll and click below to learn more about the Birth to Five Illinois funding recipients and the great work they are doing within their communities!

Addison Partners for Play, Learning, and Education

Addison Partners for Play, Learning, and Education


  • Aligning Coordinated Intake and referrals across systems. (e.g., Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS).)

  • Coordinating developmental screening events in collaboration with community partners.

  • Conducting outreach to families with children from birth to age five to share resources and engage/enroll in programming.

  • Creating and distributing resources and engagement kits for families with newborn babies.

  • Providing training opportunities for parents and caregivers to help them support child development.

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Arcola Community and Economic Development (ACED)

Arcola Community and Economic Development (ACED)


  • Establish a new legal entity, including governance structure and board.

  • Launch Arcola Kids in Development Foundation and conduct community outreach.

  • Promote community awareness on the importance of early education.

  • Develop an Action Plan around the goals of: 1) development of a 0-3 prevention program, 2) encouraging the establishment of more licensed child care providers in the community, and 3) exploring the feasibility of a child care facility in our community.

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Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council

Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council


  • Implement a four-phased approach to incorporating racial equity into the council’s planning process and current and future functions.

  • Continue to utilize the nationally recognized eight-step guide from the Prevention Institute to implement and develop an effective coalition.

  • Interview, hire, and train a Maternal Child Health Strategist. Some of the Strategist’s responsibilities include assisting with the implementation of council priorities and action plan and keeping the council’s data dashboard up to date.

  • Develop, draft, complete, present, and utilize the Maternal Child Health Data Report.

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Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (CCHVC)

Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (CCHVC)


  • Increase communication and awareness through the development and launch of a new website featuring a chat option connecting parents/caregivers/professionals to an Early Childhood expert to help answer, assist, direct them to the best information and resources.

  • Host community outreach events with on-site developmental screenings.

  • Increase enrollment in quality Early Childhood programs and services by engaging with waitlisted families.

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Chicago Head Start Collaborative

Chicago Head Start Collaborative


  • Identify short- and long-term system infrastructure improvements that would support increased enrollment in community-based programs in Chicago.

  • Strengthen collaborative ways of working to ensure clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and shared goals and activities.

  • Increase public awareness of Chicago Head Start Collaborative, including the understanding of the scope and scale of services offered by member organizations and goals and activities of the collaborative.

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Clay and Effingham County Childcare Collaborative

Clay and Effingham County Childcare Collaborative


  • Create a Coordinated Intake System utilizing the IRIS software and offer education to agencies using the platform. This will be measured by having 40 agencies trained and using the IRIS platform.

  • All ECEC programs participating in the collaborative will be at 90% enrollment or higher within six months of implementing this approach and maintain that metric on a monthly basis thereafter (based on current staff available).

  • Marketing of programs with open slots will be distributed monthly via email to all Collaborative members. The Collaboration will also compare Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM) data to local Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) enrollment data to look for targeted outreach in the community.

  • Staff will monitor and track when families are referred to a service. If there has been a referral in the system more than five working days, staff will contact the agency to see about access to the system and if additional information is needed.

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Clay County 0-5 Advisory Board

Clay County 0-5 Advisory Board


  • Aligning Coordinated Intake and referrals across systems. (e.g., Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS).)

  • Translating Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) resource materials with cultural sensitivity into the common languages of local communities.

  • Providing in-person interpretation during ECEC Collaboration meetings and events.

  • Creating and distributing resources and engagement kits for families with newborn babies.

  • Leading coordination between school districts, foundations, nonprofits, child care providers, and other business owners around ECEC issues.

  • Providing training opportunities for parents and caregivers to help them support child development.

  • Facilitating opportunities for parent/caregiver-led outreach strategies.

  • Facilitating conversations around ECEC needs and developing actionable strategies for solutions.

  • Serving as a resource and thought partner for families and other ECEC Collaborations and community partners.

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Collaboration for Early Childhood Care and Education

Collaboration for Early Childhood Care and Education


  • Track the number of people interacted with and how those interactions took place. When possible, the home ZIP code and home language of the  connections will also be tracked.

  • Track the number and type of referrals made to Early Childhood resources. When possible, the location of those referrals will also be tracked.

  • Track its connection with early learning programs and partner agencies.

  • Track the outreach materials distributed, including flyers, baby bundles for new parents, online advertising of concerts, and printed magazines.

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Crawford County Kids Association

Crawford County Kids Association


  • Create a written plan to improve and expand Early Childhood services, provider opportunities, and capacity for quality care for providers, staff, parents, and children in Crawford County.  This plan will include and mitigate ECE gap identification findings gleaned from community surveys, such as a Birth to Third Grade alignment for expanding Early Childhood services in Crawford County.  

  • Continue to address and support child care training and staff deficiencies in Crawford County.  

  • Create a pathway to assist newly licensed home, family, and child care providers in Crawford County, including business modeling and support for entry into the ExceleRate Quality Rating Illinois program.  

  • Provide an ongoing training and support network in Crawford County for the Early Childhood Advisory Team members and Crawford County licensed providers. 

* funded by the Early Childhood Governance and Finance Project. 

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DeKalb County Collaborative for Young Children (DCCYC)

DeKalb County Collaborative for Young Children (DCCYC)


  • Hire a Community Navigator to support Coordinated Intake.

  • Research opportunities for increased access to licensed care.

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Early Childhood Alliance of Niles Township

Early Childhood Alliance of Niles Township


  • Monitor available preschool/child care slots.

  • Hire Family Liaison Contacts, then follow up with the number and types of contacts the Family Liaisons have with community members.

  • Track publicity of articles, press releases, advertising equivalency, as well as audience reach.

  • Track information such as the number of attendees at early childhood events and follow-up survey feedback.

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Early Childhood Coalition of the Illinois Quad City Area

Early Childhood Coalition of the Illinois Quad City Area


  • Optimization of the ECE workforce: The ECC will offer a series of training cohorts for Early Childhood Educators to enhance their skills and knowledge in child development, behavior management, and best practices. The ECC will also facilitate networking opportunities to create a sense of community and foster collaboration among professionals in the field.

  • Culturally Responsive Programming: Culturally responsive practices recognize and value the diverse backgrounds and experiences of children and their families. Incorporating these practices helps educators create inclusive and equitable learning environments in which children and families feel seen, heard, and respected.

  • Streamlined Service Coordination and Communication: The ECC website and social media platforms are powerful tools for streamlining early childhood educators' communication. Moreover, leveraging independent consultant work will provide valuable insights and ideas for improving communication within the field.

  • Access to Specialized Supports: Services that support families are vital. Navigating disabilities, trauma exposure, and difficult behaviors require specialized attention. The ECC wants to ensure that every child has equal access to the help they need to be successful in early childhood, kindergarten, and beyond.

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Early Childhood Forum of Central Illinois

Early Childhood Forum of Central Illinois


  • Through the Early Childhood Navigator's role, Central Illinois will increase the number of developmental screenings completed by 5% compared to last fiscal year. Children not already enrolled in a program will be supported in finding a program that meets their needs.

  • Using the Help Me Grow Affiliate Model, create four separate work groups to build a single system for navigating Early Childhood services: 1-Family & Community Outreach; 2-Physician Outreach; 3-Centralized Access Point; and 4-Data Collection & Analysis.

  • Work with other Early Childhood systems and organizations in the Region to systematically combine efforts, reducing duplication of practices and services to families, and streamline the process for families to reach the services they need.

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Early Childhood Impact Table- Carbondale Community Cabinet for Children and Youth

Early Childhood Impact Table- Carbondale Community Cabinet for Children and Youth


  • Utilizing data and input from the Community Conversation held in June 2023, create and begin to implement the Early Childhood Impact Table's work plan designed to strengthen the city’s Early Childhood Education and Care infrastructure.

  • Engage both kindergarten and preschool teachers in planning a community-based kindergarten transition event in the Spring of 2024 that helps build a bridge between preschool and kindergarten.

  • Building on the successful school readiness initiative implemented in FY23, expand the community’s outreach efforts to empower caregivers to support their child’s development from birth, so they are ready for kindergarten.

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Effingham County Early Childhood Coalition

Effingham County Early Childhood Coalition


  • Aligning Coordinated Intake and referrals across systems. (e.g., Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS).)

  • Conducting outreach to families with children from birth to age five to share resources and engage/enroll in programming.

  • Translating Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) resource materials with cultural sensitivity into the common languages of local communities.

  • Providing in-person interpretation during ECEC Collaboration meetings and events.

  • Creating and distributing resources and engagement kits for families with newborn babies.

  • Leading coordination between school districts, foundations, nonprofits, child care providers, and other business owners around ECEC issues.

  • Providing training opportunities for parents and caregivers to help them support child development.

  • Facilitating opportunities for parent/caregiver-led outreach strategies.

  • Facilitating conversations around ECEC needs and developing actionable strategies for solutions.

  • Serving as a resource and thought partner for families and other ECEC Collaborations and community partners.

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Elgin Partnership for Early Learning

Elgin Partnership for Early Learning


  • Increase community and family awareness about the importance of early learning and enhance access to Early Childhood Education and Care programs, information, resources, and services by engaging with families where they are.

  • Strengthen family and community engagement opportunities by meeting families where they are (i.e., playgroups, laundromat programs, Learning On the Go, events, etc.) to learn from and elevate family voice to change local Early Childhood systems.

  • Continue discussions on bridging the slot gap and where slots are needed to enhance the availability of high-quality Early Childhood slots in areas with limited

  • Early Care and Education resources.

  • Co-create a data strategy and Theory of Change with EduDream Research Consulting Firm to help gain clarity on the Collaborative’s intended outcomes and facilitate impact measurement over time, with a focus on equity.

  • Develop: 1) A clear definition of outcomes and Theory of Change, 2) Data Collection Analysis Framework, 3) Stakeholder engagement measures, 4) Equity Focus Evaluation.

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Evanston Early Childhood Council

Evanston Early Childhood Council


  • Continue support of unique teacher cohort pilot program to address staff shortages in center-based child care, home visiting, and home child care settings. 

  • Host regular events, free of cost, giving families an opportunity to build community and participate together with their young child in a rewarding, fun activity, and gain access to information about different Early Childhood programs and resources in Evanston.

  • Continue to deepen community partnerships.

  • Track publicity of articles, media releases, advertising equivalency, and reach of audience publications.

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