Extended Preschool Hours - By Working Mom

The greatest challenge my family faces with Early Childhood Education and Care services is that my husband and I are both full-time working parents with two young boys, a four-month-old and a two-and-a-half-year-old. Our children are currently in a home child care setting. We’ve been looking for center-based preschool in our area, but the preschool schedules do not fit our need for full-time care; there are not many preschools in our area that offer full day coverage. I don't know how we would be able to get our child to and from preschool because we are both at work. We need more opportunities for extended preschool hours for working parents.

An animated graphic of two adults and two children; all are a solid blue silhouette. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is in the background. A quote from the story is at the right side of the graphic.

The Needs of Vermilion County - By Diamond Moss


More Than a Mortgage - By Sprinkle Family