See what local families say they need for their children across the State
Family Stories
Birth to Five Illinois has created this welcoming space for parents and caregivers to share their family story of ECEC challenges and successes. It is our hope that as families share their stories, we will amplify the disparities in the system so we can work collectively and strategically to mend what is broken, while also celebrating what’s working.
If you have a story to share, please visit our submission page.

Our Early Intervention - By Alexis Leathers
They went above and beyond to make sure we were able to connect to community programs that would help our family financially.

More Availability for Centers - By Ashley Renth
It becomes very difficult for families to provide a double income home or even an income in general with little to no resources or a daycare for their children.

Lack of Specialized Support for All Ages Makes Life Hard - By Frustrated Mom of Nonverbal Child with Autism and Epilepsy
Specialists are either not available in our area or we find one but then the whole branch is eliminated since we are not Chicago…

No Options - By Mary Beth Hart
We are allowing our area to stay in poverty by not offering options to everyone.

Child Care - By Anonymous
If working at a child care center offered a livable wage, then retention would be higher and families and children would benefit immensely.

Special Needs for Special Kids - By Molly Krebel
Parents should not feel excluded for having children with special needs.

A Lucky Child Care & Preschool Experience - By Brittany Lemons
I wish all children could experience that type of care and education in our region; all children deserve continuous quality care.

The Needs of Vermilion County - By Diamond Moss
We need affordable child care in Vermilion County for working parents and we need child care for parents who work after normal business hours and during school breaks.

Extended Preschool Hours - By Working Mom
We need more opportunities for extended preschool hours for working parents.

More Than a Mortgage - By Sprinkle Family
We see friends and families who cannot afford to work because of the cost of child care.

We’re All in This Together - By Sonya Clark
The closest place that will provide ABA therapy is in St. Louis (two hours away).

Henderson County Needs More Child Care! - By Miranda Gullberg
We have been facing the challenges of the current child care desert since my oldest son, now five, was born.

Your Voice is Important - By Beth Ward
Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their clinical diagnosis.