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Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients
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Click on the map to the right for a more detailed view of the location of our FY2023 and FY2024 funding recipients across the State.
Haga clic en el botón "Read More (Leer más)" para obtener más información sobre nuestros beneficiarios en inglés y español.
Boone County Maternal and Child Health Advisory Council
Implement a four-phased approach to incorporating racial equity into the council’s planning process and current and future functions.
Continue to utilize the nationally recognized eight-step guide from the Prevention Institute to implement and develop an effective coalition.
Interview, hire, and train a Maternal Child Health Strategist. Some of the Strategist’s responsibilities include assisting with the implementation of council priorities and action plan and keeping the council’s data dashboard up to date.
Develop, draft, complete, present, and utilize the Maternal Child Health Data Report.
Ready to Learn
Increase the number of agencies hosting Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors or The Incredible Years to ten.
Choose geographic area to pilot framework based on environmental scan of resources and data from the Early Development Instrument 2022 results.
Create places for play and parent/caregiver bonding in resource-desert areas of Rockford.
Create a northern Illinois online Early Childhood Advocacy Tool.