Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council

Region 4 (Boone County)


The Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council is a group of interdisciplinary professionals and stakeholders committed to optimizing the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of children and families by providing equal access to education and health care resources.



  • Aligning Coordinated Intake and referrals across systems. (e.g., Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS).)

  • Coordinating developmental screening events in collaboration with community partners.

  • Conducting outreach to families with children from birth to age five to share resources and engage/enroll in programming.

  • Maintaining updated online and physical resource banks for families with children from birth to age five.

  • Creating and distributing resources and engagement kits for families with newborn babies.

  • Leading coordination between school districts, foundations, nonprofits, child care providers, and other business owners around ECEC issues.

Boone County Maternal & Child Health Advisory Council Logo.
  • $90,228

    • Implement a four-phased approach to incorporating racial equity into the council’s planning process and current and future functions.

    • Continue to utilize the nationally recognized eight-step guide from the Prevention Institute to implement and develop an effective coalition.

    • Interview, hire, and train a Maternal Child Health Strategist. Some of the Strategist’s responsibilities include assisting with the implementation of council priorities and action plan and keeping the council’s data dashboard up to date.

    • Develop, draft, complete, present, and utilize the Maternal Child Health Data Report.

  • $106,150

    • Implement a four-phased approach to incorporating racial equity into the council’s planning process and current and future functions.

    • Continue to the process for utilizing the nationally recognized eight-step guide from the Prevention Institute to implement and develop an effective coalition.

    • Interview, hire, and train a Maternal & Child Health (MCH) Coordinator.

    • Develop, draft, complete, present, and utilize the MCH Data Report.

Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council

Región 4 (Condado de Boone)


The Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council es un grupo de profesionales interdisciplinarios y partes interesadas comprometidas con optimizar la salud física, mental, social y espiritual de los niños y las familias al brindar igualdad de acceso a la educación y recursos de atención médica. 



  • TBD

Boone County Maternal & Child Health Advisory Council Logo.
  • $90,228

    • Implementar un enfoque de cuatro fases para incorporar la equidad racial en el proceso de planificación del consejo y en las funciones actuales y futuras. 

    • Continuar con el proceso para utilizar la guía de ocho pasos reconocida a nivel nacional del Instituto de Prevención, con el fin de implementar y desarrollar una coalición efectiva. 

    • Entrevistar, contratar y capacitar a un estratega de salud maternoinfantil. Algunas de las responsabilidades del estratega incluyen ayudar con la implementación de las prioridades y el plan de acción del consejo y mantener actualizado el panel de datos del consejo. 

    • Desarrollar, redactar, completar, presentar y utilizar el Informe de datos de salud materno infantil. 

  • $106,150

    • Implementar un enfoque de cuatro fases para incorporar la equidad racial en el proceso de planificación del consejo y en las funciones actuales y futuras.

    • Continuar con el proceso para utilizar la guía de ocho pasos reconocida a nivel nacional del Instituto de Prevención para implementar y desarrollar una coalición efectiva.

    • Entrevistar, contratar y capacitar a un coordinador de salud maternoinfantil (MCH).

    • Desarrollar, redactar, completar, presentar y utilizar el Informe de datos de salud maternoinfantil (MCH).

A map outlining all Regions in Illinois by using black lines. Region 4 is highlighted in blue on the map. All other Regions are colored in white.

Birth to Five Forum of South Cook County


Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (CCHVC)