Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (CCHVC)

Region 9 (Champaign County)

The mission statement of the Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (CCHVC) is to build a system of care that will support at-risk children and their families through the collaboration and coordination of services.

The CCHVC will work together to create seamless, unduplicated home visiting services in Champaign County that support the delivery of early care, developmental, and educational services for pregnant women and children from birth to age five through home visitation services.



  • Coordinating developmental screening events in collaboration with community partners.

  • Conducting outreach to families with children from birth to age five to share resources and engage/enroll in programming.

  • Translating Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) resource materials with cultural sensitivity into the common languages of local communities.

  • Maintaining updated online and physical resource banks for families with children from birth to age five.

  • Creating and distributing resources and engagement kits for families with newborn babies.

  • Leading coordination between school districts, foundations, nonprofits, child care providers, and other business owners around ECEC issues.

  • Providing training opportunities for parents and caregivers to help them support child development.

  • Facilitating conversations around ECEC needs and developing actionable strategies for solutions.

  • Serving as a resource and thought partner for families and other ECEC Collaborations and community partners.

  • $108,758

    • Increase communication and awareness through the development and launch of a new website featuring a chat option connecting parents/caregivers/professionals to an Early Childhood expert to help answer, assist, direct them to the best information and resources.

    • Host community outreach events with on-site developmental screenings.

    • Increase enrollment in quality Early Childhood programs and services by engaging with waitlisted families.

  • $127,950

    • CCHVC will track the following:

    • Number of materials translated.

    • Number of sessions conducted in a language other than English.

    • Number of screenings conducted.

    • Number of marketing items developed and shared.

Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (CCHVC)

Región 9 (Condado de Champaign)

La declaración de misión del Consorcio de visitas domiciliarias del condado de Champaign (CCHVC) es construir un sistema de atención que apoye a los niños en riesgo y sus familias a través de la colaboración y coordinación de servicios.

El CCHVC trabajará en conjunto para crear servicios de visitas domiciliarias continuos y no duplicados en el condado de Champaign que respalden la prestación de servicios educativos, de desarrollo y de atención temprana para mujeres embarazadas y niños desde el nacimiento hasta los cinco años a través de servicios de visitas domiciliarias.



  • TBD

  • $108,758

    • Aumentar la comunicación y la concientización a través del desarrollo y lanzamiento de un nuevo sitio web que presenta una opción de chat, la cual conecta a los padres/cuidadores/profesionales con un experto en la primera infancia para ayudarlos a responder, asistir y dirigirlos a la mejor información y recursos. 

    • Organizar eventos de extensión comunitaria con evaluaciones de desarrollo en el lugar. 

    • Aumentar la inscripción en programas y servicios de calidad para la primera infancia, interactuando con familias en lista de espera.  

  • $127,950

    • El CCHVC rastreará lo siguiente:

    • Número de materiales traducidos.

    • Número de sesiones realizadas en un idioma diferente al inglés.

    • Número de evaluaciones realizadas.

    • Número de elementos de marketing desarrollados y compartidos.

A map outlining all Regions in Illinois by using black lines. Region 9 is highlighted in blue on the map. All other Regions are colored in white.

Boone County Maternal Child Health (MCH) Advisory Council


Chicago Head Start Collaborative