Spreading the Word as We Strive for Equity

Dixon's Preschool Offerings to Expand in New Program with 80 Slots, 4 Rooms at Lovett Center and Open Sesame
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Dixon's Preschool Offerings to Expand in New Program with 80 Slots, 4 Rooms at Lovett Center and Open Sesame

New ECEC program opens in Region 47! “The ROE 47 partnered with Birth to Five Illinois, a program aimed at improving early childhood education, to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment across the counties, looking to find out if there really was a shortage and if it was negatively affecting those in the community,.”

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Birth to Five Illinois Aims for Quality Childcare
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Birth to Five Illinois Aims for Quality Childcare

Abby Hoskin, Region 47 Council Manager, talks with the Radar Free Press about the role of Birth to Five Illinois in the State’s Early Childhood Education and Care system, and how the Councils in Lee, Ogle, and Whiteside Counties are working to address local child care needs.

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