What I needed most and became my greatest challenge was Early Intervention, and it all started with the Dr. and trying to get him to give us a referral. Once I secured a referral after a year of us asking, we finally got a chance at Early Intervention. It was decided that my granddaughter needed services, however, they are so full that getting her into therapy is nearly impossible. We never received even one session of therapy and I was told she would age out at 3. I do not have coverage for private therapy and the Head Start says it’s not their responsibility unless they get an IEP [Individualized Education Plan]. In addition, the school says Head Start can request one for her. I find I still have not been able to achieve this for my granddaughter.  

What we need most are people who will listen and tell us where to find services. I am at my wit’s end trying to get speech, OT [Occupational Therapy], and ABA [Applied Behavioral Analysis] therapy. I’m sure she needs so much more. The nearest place for services is St. Louis, and you must attend full time. She is 3 and I must work so that is hard for us to do. So how do I get her there, and why is there nothing closer to me?  

A graphic of two children embracing for a photo. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is in the background. A quote from the story is at the bottom of the graphic.

Path for Success – Ashely Morse 


Inclusive Care for All Children - By Aurea Garvin