The greatest success my family has had was enrolling my son in Early Intervention (EI). My husband and I noticed that he was not meeting milestones like other children his age when he was about 18 months old. We met with our doctor, and they referred us to the EI program. We were set up with some of the most amazing therapists. My son and I met with speech, developmental, physical, and occupational therapists weekly to help catch him up to where he needed to be. When he aged out of EI my son was then enrolled in the ECSE [Early Childhood Special Education] preschool at Northside in Geneseo, IL.   

ECSE preschool is an important part of my son’s life and in my opinion, imperative to success in early education. My almost 4-year-old has been attending school for a year now, and the number of skills he has learned since attending is incredible. When he started school a year ago, he was hardly speaking at all. Now he can identify colors, letters, numbers, and a ton of everyday objects, people, and things.  

Had we not had these services, I don’t know that my child would be acquiring the skills he is.  

A graphic of a child smiling for a photo. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is in the background. A quote from the story is at the bottom of the graphic.

Sitting, Waiting, and Wishing - By Jessica Wilson 


Is Anyone Really Out There to Help – By Sinah Gosnell