When my second child was around 18 months old, we noticed that she wasn't talking like other children her age. We got connected with the birth to three program, and it opened so many doors for her. She had speech therapy and is now flourishing with her vocabulary. Since we had already been through the process with her, it was so simple to get my son checked out as well. He went through speech, developmental, and physical therapy through his Early Childhood Education program. My children have now both graduated from all therapies and have IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) in Pre-K!

I remember telling people that my children were in therapies, and they would get sad for me, like it was lesser that my children needed the help. I chose to stay positive about them going and thinking, "it's okay if my child needs help. What if they never received it?" Therapy is not a dirty word. If children need it and have access to it, let them get the therapy.

Additionally, I love being part of our Region 13 Family Council. I feel like my voice is heard and my input is valued. I hope to help continue my positivity in the community as we progress!

A photo of an adult and two children smiling for a picture. A quote from the story is at the bottom. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is to the right.

Family Council Impact: Region 4


Family Council Impact: Region 17