Needing to Help Our Children - Even Through the State – By Kaitlin Perkins

My daughter has a speech delay, and we have been going through Early Intervention and seeing a therapist. Her therapist left at the end of July and the only options that Early Intervention could offer us were video appointments or traveling further than we wanted. I was able to get my daughter into a private speech therapist in Oglesby by using my own insurance, so I knew the risk would be having to pay more out of pocket. My daughter is excelling very well in her speech therapy class!  

To support positive change for families in my community, I have not done anything but want to help in any way I can to help bring support to our children!

A photo of an adult and a small child. The adult is kneeling while smiling and the child is holding a notebook. A quote from the story is at the bottom. The Illinois map with a Region highlighted in blue is to the right.

Everyone Deserves to Be Treated with Respect - By Sara Farmer


Small Group – By Heather Alexander