Meet the Recipients / Conozca a los Beneficiarios 


Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients

Scroll and click below to learn more about the Birth to Five Illinois funding recipients and the great work they are doing within their communities!

Click on the map to the right for a more detailed view of the location of our FY2023 and FY2024 funding recipients across the State.

Haga clic en el botón "Read More (Leer más)" para obtener más información sobre nuestros beneficiarios en inglés y español.

Monroe Randolph Birth to Five Collaboration 

Monroe Randolph Birth to Five Collaboration 


  • Meet to finalize shared vision/purpose, structure, and operating procedures.  

  • Complete data review and analysis; analyze areas of concern for use in an implementation plan.  

  • Create implementation plan that includes: a) events to inform families of available services in their area; b) staff training events and post-survey to ensure all staff are aware of the span of services available for families; c) Coordinated Intake and joint screening strategies to create a culture of inclusion for all families.  

  • Host one community launch event to increase awareness of available programming for families. 

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