Meet the Recipients / Conozca a los Beneficiarios
Birth to Five Illinois Funding Recipients
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Haga clic en el botón "Read More (Leer más)" para obtener más información sobre nuestros beneficiarios en inglés y español.
Greater East St. Louis Early Learning Partnership
Support Year 3 Implementation of the Kindergarten Transitions Evaluation Project, a district-wide approach which supports the coalition's understanding and evaluation of 1) children's experiences starting kindergarten and 2) families' experiences with helping their children prepare for, enroll in, and start kindergarten.
Host Annual Spring Family Cafes Series.
Host Week of the Young Child Series: A week-long set of events that celebrate early learning, young children, and adults in their lives.
Madison County Alliance for Children & Families
Host community playgroups to reach families not connected to Early Childhood Education and Care programs.
Host a second annual Early Childhood Education and Care awareness event.
Increase partnership by 20%.