FACTS FOR FAMILIES: Birth to Five Illinois Program Addresses Early Childhood Needs

Original coverage by Cheri Burcham for Journal Gazette & Times-Courier.

I would love to share this article that my previous “intern” and friend Kayli Bontrager has written about the wonderful agency that she is now representing.

Kayli says: Birth to Five Illinois teams across the state have worked over the past year to gather community input and create early childhood regional needs assessments that highlight the strengths and needs in early childhood education and care (ECEC). The report for Region 11, which covers Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie, and Shelby counties, includes local parent and family experiences and other information gathered from community members and local, state, and federal sources.

Each of Birth to Five Illinois’ 39 Regions were formed as part of a statewide system that brings local communities together to address ECEC needs and support access to services and funding. Birth to Five Illinois’s mission reinforces the statewide goal of Illinois becoming the best in the nation for families raising young children.

Region 11 staff worked with families, ECEC professionals, community members, and community resources to collect local information and experiences. Through surveys, meetings, and interviews, the Region 11 Team found that many families are struggling with the lack of ECEC opportunities, especially families living in rural communities.

Of the 8,122 children under the age of six living in this Region, 76% do not have a slot in a licensed or license-exempt childcare center or home. A parent in Douglas County said, “The bottom line is that we do not have enough programs or childcare spots available for the children in our area. My children should not have to sit on a waitlist.”

Region 11 Action Council and Family Council members came together to review the information collected and discuss local strengths, needs, and recommendations. Below are five needs highlighted in Birth to Five Illinois: Region 11’s early childhood regional needs assessment.

  1. More infant and toddler care slots and full-day preschool opportunities.

  2. Public transportation for local programs.

  3. Hands-on and available mental health, social-emotional, and behavioral resources.

  4. Increased staff appreciation and support.

  5. Before and after school care in smaller, rural school districts.

You can view the full report for Region 11 at birthtofiveil.com/region11/#report. For more information or to learn how you can share your voice, please contact the Region 11 Team at www.birthtofiveil.com/region11/#contact.

Reach Bontrager at kbontrager@birthtofiveil.com


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