Community Engagement Live Webinars

Following our virtual, regional kick-off events held in early February, Birth to Five Illinois will be holding Community Engagement Live Webinars on Zoom from 6-7pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings between March 8 and April 5, 2022 to:

  • Meet with your community

  • Introduce our team

  • Share more about what the work of the Birth to Five Action and Family Councils will be

  • Answer questions

Visit our website to find the evening for your region's Community Engagement Live Webinar, save the date, register, and submit any questions you'd like us to answer during your region's event! Download a flyer to share with your community!

Zoom links for all of the upcoming webinars, currently excluding the City of Chicago, will be posted to our webpage soon; if you register, we will also email the link to you. The deadline to request accommodations is March 2, 2022. If you are unsure what region you are part of, visit our map to find your county. Summaries from each region's kick-off event will be made available prior to your region's webinar date.

Register & Save the Date

Updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions via the chat box and in the surveys following our kick-off events. Our Birth to Five Illinois Team has compiled and condensed questions to the best of our ability and have updated the Frequently Asked Questions page on our website. If you have a question, it is very likely answered there. If not, we will be taking questions both in advance of our Community Engagement Live Webinars and during your region's event. Answers to our FAQs will be made available on our website in Spanish and Polish next week.

Check Out Our FAQs!

In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

Join Your Regional Action or Family Council
Interest Forms for the Birth to Five Action & Family Councils are available on our website in English, Spanish, and Polish.

Action Council Regional Manager
We are hiring 38 full time Regional Action Council Managers across the State. Apply now!

Please make sure you’re signed up for our e-newsletters if you don’t receive them already.


Webinars Begin This Week!


Join Your Regional Action or Family Council!