Erin Soto joins Birth to Five Illinois: Region 56 Action Council


February 4, 2025

Original coverage in Staff Reports for Governors State University.

Erin Soto, Executive Director of the Family Development Center (FDC) at Governors State University (GovState), has recently been named to the Birth to Five Illinois: Region 56 Action Council, which covers Will County.

As a member of the council, Soto joins Birth to Five Illinois on its mission to create a statewide regional infrastructure that amplifies input from communities in the development of policies and funding priorities.

Soto is looking forward to advocating for the FDC and the families it serves as an action council member. “I’m just eager to learn more about what ways we can be involved,” said Soto.

In addition to her new role on the council, Soto is celebrating a funding windfall. She secured funding for the FDC through the Elevate Will County – Child Care Provider Grant, a grant administered through a partnership between Will County and Birth to Five Illinois: Region 56.

The generous $10,000 award allowed the FDC to make building improvements, installing new sinks and countertops in four preschool classrooms.

“What was unique, especially about this grant is they allowed us to make building improvements, which is really rare for grants, so this was really exciting,” said Soto. “We are grateful to the Will County Board for its investment and spending flexibility, allowing the group to continue prioritizing children’s health and safety, which is foundational for learning.”


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