In 2023, Birth to Five Illinois produced Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessments. These reports include both publicly available quantitative data and qualitative data from caregivers, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals, and other community stakeholders collected through Birth to Five Illinois Action Council and Family Council meetings, focus groups, interviews, community meetings, and surveys.

Throughout the process, regional barriers to accessing ECEC services were documented, and recommendations were developed based on the identified needs of families. These images provide an overview of the key needs in Region 40 (Calhoun, Greene, Jersey & Macoupin Counties), accompanied by quotes that amplify community voice.

Image of Illinois with Region 40 highlighted. Text, “What do families say in needed in your Region?”
Image of a child in a vehicle. Quote to emphasize need for local community collaborations, “I didn’t realize I could get help from other places for my child’s medical transportation. I have already exhausted the gas card support...”
Image of an adult holding cleaning supplies. Quote to emphasize need for staff, “There is already a staff shortage which in turn means I have to cover in the kitchen, classrooms, and be a janitor all in one day. It is beginning to take its toll...”
Image of Illinois with Region 40 highlighted. Text, “Get Involved. Share Your Voice.”

Region 41: What Families Say They Need 


Region 39: What Families Say They Need