Success By 6 – Kankakee & Iroquois Counties (with the Kankakee Area YMCA)

Region 32 (Iroquois & Kankakee Counties)

Success By 6 is an Early Childhood Community Collaborative dedicated to supporting our community through family and parent engagement, early behavioral and mental health services, and greater awareness of resources for parents, caregivers, and Early Childhood providers. This Coalition is a partnership between United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties with the Community Foundation of Kankakee River Valley. 



  • Coordinating developmental screening events in collaboration with community partners.

  • Conducting outreach to families with children from birth to age five to share resources and engage/enroll in programming.

  • Maintaining updated online and physical resource banks for families with children from birth to age five.

  • Leading coordination between school districts, foundations, nonprofits, child care providers, and other business owners around ECEC issues.

  • Providing training opportunities for parents and caregivers to help them support child development.

  • $114,307 

    • Expand the role and reach of our Early Childhood Relationship Facilitator position in both Kankakee and Iroquois Counties. 

    • Invest in bringing our local 211 and Kan-I Help (Kankakee-Iroquois) Information Network systems back up-to-date. 

    • Partner with the Kankakee Area YMCA as they develop a parent education course and child care provider support system. 

    • Meet with the YMCA monthly to discuss vision and planning. Develop and launch parent education classes by June 2024.

Success By 6 – Kankakee & Iroquois Counties (with the Kankakee Area YMCA)  

Región 32 (Condado de Iroquois y Kankakee )

Success By 6 es una colaboración comunitaria de la primera infancia dedicada a apoyar a nuestra comunidad a través de la participación de las familias y los padres, servicios tempranos de salud mental y conductual, y una mayor conciencia de los recursos para padres, cuidadores y proveedores de la primera infancia. Esta Coalición es una asociación entre United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties con la Community Foundation of Kankakee River Valley.  



  • TBD

  • $114,307

    • Ampliar la función y el alcance de nuestro puesto de Facilitador de relaciones en la primera infancia en los condados de Kankakee e Iroquois.  

    • Invertir en actualizar nuestros sistemas locales de red de información 211 y Kan-I Help (Kankakee-Iroquois).  

    • Asociarse con la YMCA del área de Kankakee mientras desarrollan un curso de educación para padres y un sistema de apoyo para proveedores de cuidado infantil.  

    • Reunirse mensualmente con la YMCA para discutir la visión y la planificación. Desarrollar y lanzar clases de educación para padres. para junio de 2024.  

A map outlining all Regions in Illinois by using black lines. Region 32 is highlighted in blue on the map. All other Regions are colored in white.

SPARK Early Childhood Collaboration


The Village Early Childhood Collaboration