Southernmost Illinois Early Learning Special Education Collaborative

Region 21 (Johnson & Massac Counties) & Region 30 (Alexander & Pulaski Counties)

The Birth to Five Illinois grant funds will be used to increase collaboration among various schools, agencies, and individual providers serving young children in our area. We will work collaboratively to complete a self-assessment and identify training needs of staff and service providers.



  • Coordinating developmental screening events in collaboration with community partners.

  • Conducting outreach to families with children from birth to age five to share resources and engage/enroll in programming.

  • Creating and distributing resources and engagement kits for families with newborn babies.

  • Providing training opportunities for parents and caregivers to help them support child development.

  • $50,210

    • Host a Conscious Discipline Dealing with Anger and Rage e-course for various programs that serve young children.

    • Host trainings including Crisis Prevention and De-escalation Techniques.

  • $59,070

    • Increase collaboration among entities serving young children in the region.

    • Conduct self-assessment and identify training needs.

    • Conduct training.

Southernmost Illinois Early Learning Special Education Collaborative

Región 21 (Condados de Johnson y Massac) y Región 30 (Condados de Alexander y Pulaski)

The Southernmost Illinois Early Learning Special Education Collaborative está compuesto por docentes de escuelas públicas, docentes de Head Start y personal que atiende a estudiantes en cuidado infantil, prekínder, educación especial para la primera infancia, kindergarten e intervención temprana.  



  • TBD

  • $50,210

    • Organizar un curso electrónico Disciplina consciente para lidiar con la ira y la rabia para varios programas que atienden a niños pequeños.  

    • Organizar capacitaciones que incluyan técnicas de prevención de crisis y reducción de tensiones. 

  • $59,070

    • Aumentar la colaboración entre las entidades que atienden a los niños pequeños en la región.

    • Realizar autoevaluaciones e identificar necesidades de capacitación.

    • Llevar a cabo la capacitación.

A map outlining all Regions in Illinois by using black lines. Region 21 is highlighted in blue and Region 30 is yellow on the map. All other Regions are colored in white.

Southern Illinois Coalition for Children and Families


SPARK Early Childhood Collaboration